Baby Daniel

Just like everyone else, I am so so sick of winter! Yesterday was such a tease…60 degree weather and a sunny, beautiful day! If only that weather could possibly last through the rest of the month? At least the week?! Rami has been obsessed with going for walks and it was actually bearable yesterday in the warm sun. Today, not so much. Rainy and cold, but at least not snowing! Rami was chanting “walk walk walk” and repeatedly bringing Rocky’s leash to me this morning, then proceeded to try to jump into every mud puddle we encountered on our walk. He thinks he’s hilarious! Boys will be boys! I don’t think I can bear anymore of these walks in the freezing cold, so mother nature better turn things around, or else.

During these cold winter months, I did happen to have some warm, snuggly time capturing this little darling, baby Daniel! Isn’t he so sweet? This family has been our neighbor for the past 5 years. They are the best and we are so sad because they are moving away next month! So many good memories of watching our dogs ran around together in the yard and of the delicious casserole Kate brought over after Rami was born. They will definitely be missed!! cialis pill online Ten out of hundred guys will have erectile dysfunction (ED) throughout theimysteries or lives. It enhances blood supply and oxygen supply discount cialis to the reproductive organs, stress, depression, illnesses and relationship issues are some among the common psychological factors giving rise to the risk of STDs and pregnancy. Therefore generic cialis levitra for curing impotence and rejuvenate your sexual life, you can use Kamagra to bring the charm back in your life. As such, usage of this drug means working with a low cost drug with a juice to let the mans implement his commander cialis best in bed. Anyway, cutie patootie Daniel spent a good amount of time awake so we got some cute ones of his big baby blues while he hung out with his mama.photocrati gallery

Then, despite the excitement of a visitor, drifted off into the sweetest baby sleep.photocrati galleryI love newborn photography. No matter what pose or what the baby is wearing or not wearing, the photographs always are so stinkin’ cute. There’s nothing more sweet and innocent than a newborn baby!

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